Questions & Answers
We have listed for your use some frequestly asked Questions & Answers.
Your Muscle Builder states that it contains natural plant hormones that have an Anabolic effect. What does Anabolic effect mean?
Anabolic plant hormones constructively encourage or promote the process by which organisms most effectively convert substances into other components of the organisms chemical building block, and enhances optimum growth in that area.
As I own race horses it is imperative that I do not use any products that are swabbable can any of your products be tested positive?
Definitely not, they are totally natural products that work in complete harmony with the body.
I notice that you have different size courses for different products i.e.,
For Metabolic it is recommended to use a 3 bottle / month course & for Antibiotic it is recommended to use a 1 bottle / month course - does this apply to every horse?
Metabolic is a recommended to be administered for a 3 month course because that is generally the time it takes to bring the Metabolism to optimum. Whereas 1 bottle or a 3 week course of Antibiotic is all that is generally needed to assist the horse to rid itself of any virus etc. Occasionally 2 courses of Antibiotic are required.
You recommend a maintenance course for your products i.e., Muscle Builder of only 3 - 6 mls daily. Do I have give my horse a maintenance course or can I leave off giving it to my horse for a short period of time - will this effect the muscle growth / tone of my horse drastically - will he suddenly lose muscle tone?
No the horse will not suddenly lose Muscle tone if the course is discontinued, but a maintenance course is much preferable to enable, bulk, definition & strength to be maintained at peak performance.
I notice you have a product called Endurance - is this designed for just for Endurance Racing or can it be used for an energy boost?
It is basically designed for endurance, it contains Herbs that have been proven over centuries to enhance endurance.
Regarding your Metabolic product, what is the Metabolic Rate? Why would my horse need this product? What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are slugishness, tiredness, irritableness, poor feed - weight ratio ie., does not get enough out of it's feed, due to a poor Metabolism. Basically if the Metabolism is corrected, the heat energy ratio will be at optimum, and a happy, healthy horse often follows.
How really effective is your product TYE UP? I have tried many many products claiming to help with the tieing up problem - but most do not help & the ones that do only partially help. Also I have tried many many different routines i.e., change of diet etc.
TYE UP has had a success rate of 98%. All elevated readings have shown a decrease within a few hours or days of taking TYE UP.
When can I give Antibiotic to my horse? Can it be only administered before he actually get a full blown cold or flu? If he’s had an accident & the wound has become infested - can I give it to him to help it heal this wound?
It is best to give Antibiotic to your horse before he gets a full blown virus, but it is also very successful once the virus has taken hold. Antibiotic helps tremendously in wound infections. See the case histories mentioned on the Antibiotic page. Case Study
What is Performance Excel used for? I notice you say it helps enhance the performance of your horse or pony - is this for racing & showing? What is the difference between Performance Excel & Metabolic as you state that this product also helps to enhance every aspect of performance?
Performance Excel is designed to bring the Racing Horse to optimum performance, this product is also used successfully by many show / dressage horses & has obtained excellent results. Whereas Metabolic is designed to balance all systems through the Metabolic enhancement.
I have a few questions regarding your sedative product.
a, Can I give my horse Sedative just before I need to (he gets jumpy traveling) or do I have to build it up i.e., give it to him every so often the night or week before he actually needs it?
b, If I give Sedative to him just before he needs it - will it be tested positive?
c, Will your Sedative product calm him down or will it make him drowsy?
In answer to your questions regarding Sedative.
a, All that is needed is for you to give Sedative to your horse 20 minutes before he usually gets uptight. Please see our Dosage instructions.
b, Definitely not, they are totally natural products that work in complete harmony with the body.
c, Sedative will calm your horse down without taking off his perfomance edge. He will still be able to compete. It will not make him drowsy.
What are the symptoms of Travel Sickness?
Sweaty, nervousness, unsteady gait, pupil dilation, loose stool.
Many products that are on the market claim to be used by many winners - do you have any horses that have used it & have won any significant races?
Yes we have had many winners using our products, please check out these winning horses on our Product Results, Newspaper Articles & Testimonials pages.
I have used many products and have become skeptical, as a lot of products claim to be the be all & end all answer to different complaints, I am also a very skeptical person when it comes to using herbs. What makes your product so different from everyone else’s?
Please check out our formulas page on why our products are a world leader & information on herbs.
I notice that apart from the many different products that you produce (they all seem very good) but my horse does not have a specific complaint but many different complaints, I see that you also make Special Individual Herbal Formulations - how do I know which one will help my horse - is there anyway I can contact you & ask you?
Yes, if you are not sure which product is best for your horse’s complaint or you may need a Special Product you can email us direct by clicking on contact us (located on the blue lefthandside main index shown on every page). This will give you the option to email us direct or you can fill out our specialised free service standard form - which allows you to fill out all relevant information that we will need to know.
Are your products available worldwide? For example I live in England, can I order your prodcts from your website?
We offer a worldwide service, anybody from anywhere in the world can order from our website & your order will be dispatched the next working day - via airmail.
I am a bit nervous about ordering over the internet. If I order from your website do you have a secure server?
Yes, all transactions for online ordering are performed via a secure server.